
From Creation to Redemption

In the beginning, God's Word went forth: "Let there be light" (Gen 1:3). The Spirit of God hovering over the face of the deep joined Himself to that Word with explosive, creative effect. And the universe was born.  As it was with creation, so it is now with redemption--God's new creation in Christ (2 Cor 4:6). God's Word is preached and, when it is accompanied by the power of His Spirit, man is born again. Sinners are saved and saints are strengthened, all by His grace and all for His glory (cf. Gal 3:1-6; Act 20:32). May God be pleased to use these sermons in your life to this end!

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Vision and Direction for 2012


Passage: John 17:20-23

Speaker: Steve Fuller

Vision and Direction for 2012
John 17:20-23 

I’ve been a pastor for over 30 years.  Last year was one of the hardest years I’ve had in ministry – and also one of the best. 

It’s been one of the hardest.  Because helping plant Garden City meant sending away some dear people – that’s been painful for me and many of us.  We lost an elder and his family after a long process of talking and discussing – and that was very painful.  And we had to close two home groups.  Painful.

But as I look back it was also one of the best years.  Because in the pain Jesus has been there – comforting me, correcting me, strengthening me, satisfying me.  And He worked powerfully in many ways.  We did have the joy of helping plant Garden City Church.  We had the joy of baptizing 7 people.  I have grown more in personal evangelism than ever.  And we have seen many growing in their faith, community, and mission.

So that was last year.  But now what does Jesus have for us this year?  That’s what Jerry and I and the home group leaders have been talking and praying about.  And that’s what I want to share with you this morning.

One Scripture that summarizes what’s in our hearts for this next year is John 17:20-23.  Let’s turn there together.  If you need a Bible, go ahead and raise your hand and we will bring one to you.  John 17 is on page 903 in the Bibles we are passing out.

In John 17 we can eavesdrop as Jesus prays.  He prays about the Cross – asking the Father to glorify Him.  He prays for His disciples – that the Father would keep them strong.  And He prays for us – we who come to faith through the word of His disciples. 

And you can see what He prays for us, in vv.20-23 --

20            I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word,

21            that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

22            The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one,

23            I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

What does Jesus pray for us?  He prays that we would be one.  You can see that in v.21 – “that they may all be one.”  It’s also in v.22 – “that they may be one, even as we are one.”  And it’s also in v.23 – “I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one.”  Jesus prays that we would be one.

This does not mean that you would be part of one big organization of all believers.  It’s not organizational unity.  It’s relational unity – like that between the Father and the Son.  It means being part of a group of believers who know each other, love each other, serve each other.

And when we love each other like that, people who don’t know Jesus will look at our love and say – we don’t have that – what causes that?  And they will be convinced that there is a God, that He sent Jesus, and that Jesus can change our hearts so we love like that.

Like yesterday – Justin Henson and Brandon Ramazzina both decided they would give their wives a break – and took Colbie and Jonathan to the park together.  So here’s two guys joining together to serve their wives on a Saturday morning.  That’s COMMUNITY.

When Jesus prays for unity he’s talking about loving unity with real people.  He’s talking about community.  That’s what Jesus wants for us.

So where will this loving community come from?  Jesus tells us in v.22 – “the glory that you have given to me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one.”  It comes from beholding Jesus’ glory.

Remember what glory is?  It’s what you feel when something makes you say “Wow!”  And Jesus is the Son of God – so His glory – His “Wow!” – is infinitely greater than any other “Wow!” there is. 

So – when we turn to Jesus, and trust His death on the Cross to pay for all our sins, and trust his power to change our hearts, and trust Him as our all-satisfying Treasure – He gives us a taste of His glory – and one result is that we will love others.

Like what happened in one of our home groups recently.  This home group had a family that had some financial emergencies come up so they couldn’t pay the rent.  The home group collected hundreds of dollars for them.  Why?  They saw Jesus’ glory.  That Jesus would satisfy them more than whatever else they would buy with that money.  And that Jesus would provide for them for the rest of their lives.

So community comes from seeing Jesus’ glory.  And seeing Jesus’ glory comes from faith.  So I’m going to summarize this point as FAITH.

And what will result from this community?  Jesus promises that when through faith we see His glory -- resulting in loving community with other believers – people will be saved.

You can see that in vv.20-21 --

20            I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word,

21            that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

He repeats the same idea in v.23 –

23            I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

When through faith we see Jesus’ glory, we will love each other in community – and the result is that people who don’t yet know Jesus will be so shocked by our love that they will know there’s a God, that God sent Jesus  – and they will be saved.

Like what happened with Ben Cook.  Walked in here one morning.  Didn’t know Jesus.  Was invited to the Capital and 87 home group.  Week after week saw people’s love.  Was loved by people.  Heard about Jesus.  Gave his life to Jesus.

That – in a nutshell – is the vision of Mercy Hill Church.  Three words – faith (beholding Jesus’ glory) – community (deeply loving each other) – and mission (seeing lost people come to know Jesus).

So how are we going to pursue these – individually and as a church – in 2012?  Let’s start with faith.

How are we going to pursue Faith?  This is where it all begins.  See, Christianity is not about you trying to be good and go to church.  Christianity is about you turning from whatever else you have trusted to satisfy you – and turning to trust Jesus Christ to satisfy you.

It means living by faith – every day trusting Jesus as your Savior, your Lord, and your heart-satisfying Treasure.

So how can we grow in faith in 2012?  There’s some things we as elders and staff are committed to doing to help you – like Dave Clark leading powerful worship and me and some other men preaching faith-building messages – and Joe and Cindy Garcia and all you wonderful teachers leading children’s ministry so your children will be encouraged to trust Jesus – and Brandon and Michelle leading a powerful Junior High Ministry, and Dave and Jasmine leading a powerful High School Ministry – and of course Debie Farris being our administrative assistant keeping everything humming smoothly. Those are things we are committed to doing.

But what can you do?

  • Daily time in prayer and God’s Word.
  • Grow in fighting the fight of faith.  I did a sermon series on this a few years ago – listen to that online.  Listen to John Piper’s material on Battling Unbelief.  And I started a blog to help us grow in faith in 2012.
  • Do all you can to become part of a home group and a DNA group. 

Which brings me to my next point –

How are we going to pursue Community?  Every church needs to prayerfully decide how they will structure so people can experience church life.  Our conviction is that church life is not just a meeting you attend.  Church life means being part of a group of believers who know each other and love each other so deeply that you can all weep when one weeps and you can all rejoice when one rejoices.

So here at Mercy Hill -- the main way we pursue Community is in our home groups.  Home groups are groups of maybe 8 to 15 people – single, married, old, young, kids, parents, all races.  They follow Jesus together, love each other, and bring people to faith together.

They meet together one evening a week, they connect together Sunday morning, and they do all kinds of other things besides during the week – moms go to parks with kids, men go mountain biking, guys do a pub night, women meet for lunch.

We include children, because home group should strengthen your parenting, and because one of the most important things for your children to see is you being in community with other adults – and see you advancing the Gospel.

Most everyone here is in a home group.  But some of you have not been able to join one.  So if that’s you, let me encourage you to adopt a home group – maybe be part of one of their DNA groups (more on that in a moment) – hang out when the women do something or the men do something together.

Now some of you have shared that we push home groups so hard that it sounds like you can’t do anything else, can’t connect with anyone else.  That’s not our intent.  I am really excited about home groups – and what can happen when you experience being part of a Christ-centered missional community.

But the point isn’t to limit you.  I am just hoping you will be so captured by the NT description of church life – a diverse, intergenerational group of believers who deeply love each other and work together to advance the Gospel – that you will do whatever it takes to make this happen.

And when it comes to other activities – for men and women – we are planning on doing other things.  But recently our focus has been to help each home group start DNA groups. 

What’s a DNA group?  D stands for discipleship.  N for nurture.  A for accountability.  They are groups of 3 or 4 men or women who meet weekly to share God’s Word, share their lives, ask each other hard questions, plan the mission, and pray for each other.  They operate under the covering of the home group – and help the ministry of the home group.

It’s like your home group is the 49ers football team – which regularly meets together.  But it’s also important for the punt return team to meet together, the offensive line to meet together, the quarterback and receivers to meet together, and the linebackers to meet together -- to work on things at a much more specific level.  That’s what a DNA group does.

And this last Fall I was in a DNA group with Josh McGuire – and I asked him to come and share his experience.

So how can we grow in Community in 2012?  Here’s what the elders, staff, and home group leaders are doing --

  • Jerry and I have as our top priority to raise up more elders – because this will give more support to our home group leaders, will allow for more home groups, and will strengthen the church in general.
  • And we are committed to helping more home groups get started.  Jan and I have been leading a group in the Bernal / 101 area.  But in a few weeks that group is becoming three groups – Scott Sacks will be leading leading a group in the Cottle / Santa Teresa / Blossom Hill area.  Chris and Minglan Keener will be leading a group in the Bernal / Santa Teresa area.  And Jan and I will be leading a group in the Almaden area.  And we hope to help each home group start another group in 2012.
  • And under this point I could also mention Brandon and Michelle with Junior High and Dave and Jasmine with High School.

So that’s what we are doing – here’s some things you might consider doing --

  • Join a home group.
  • Become a vital part of the home group.  Not just a meeting you attend, but a group of people you love.  Have them over.  Mountain bike with them.  Baby sit for them.  Have coffee with them.  Advance the Gospel with them.  These people should become some of your best friends.
  • Become part of a DNA group.  Ask your home group leader if he has suggestions.

And how are we going to pursue Mission?  This is something each home group is working on together – talking about together – praying about together.  But here’s some steps you could take --

  • Ask Jesus how.  Ask Him whether he wants you to focus on your neighborhood or workplace or some of your friends.  He has a plan for you.
  • Get trained.  We’re doing this in our home groups – working on how to have Gospel conversations and how to share the good news of Jesus with people.
  • Invite people who don’t know Jesus to your home group – or to Sunday worship.
  • Come early Sunday to meet each other’s guests.


So what are we pursuing in 2012? 

First of all, here’s what Jerry and I and the home group leaders are pursuing –

  • Raising up more home group leaders and elders
  • Having each home group be strong in faith, loving to each other, and reaching out to the lost
  • Raising up more home groups
    That’s what we are going to do.  And here’s what I am calling you to do – pick three steps you can take in 2012.  Not a will-power New Year’s resolution – but a Spirit-led Jesus-empowered step – one for how you can grow in faith, one for how you can grow in community, one for how you can grow in mission.

Share them in your home groups this week – and pray for each other – and dream about how you as a home group can love each other more deeply and advance the Gospel more powerfully.

See, if we will work together – pursuing faith, community, and mission – Jesus will be glorified, our brothers and sisters will be strengthened, and lost people will be found.

Faith.  Community.  Mission.

Let’s do it.