Leading from Down Low
The best leaders are followers—not of the latest trends or teachers, but of Christ (Matt 4:19). And those who follow Him will look like Him. They will be servants (Mark 10:42-45). They will spend their lives in love for others. They will lead from down low. Here are a few of the leaders on our team. To be sure, we aren't Jesus. But, we hope, with His help, we might get the privilege of leading you towards Him. If you see us on a Sunday, don't hesitate to introduce yourself. We'd love to meet you!

My Story
I was born and raised under the Arizona sun. But when it came time for college, I left the desert for the beach. I got my undergrad at Cal Poly—San Luis Obispo. It was there in that sleepy little college town that I fell in love. I fell in love with the California coast—with its green hills, white sand, and blue skies. I fell in love with the woman who is now my wife—nine years and counting, with two daughters and a son now in tow. But, most significant of all, I fell in love with Jesus. God used a trial in my life, a Bible study in my dorm, and a church down my street to awaken me from the dead! "My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee."
And, as I followed, I couldn't have imagined where He'd lead. A few years later, I became the college pastor at my church there in SLO. A few years after that, I left to get my M.Div at Westminster Theological Seminary in PA. A few years more, and He led me here to Mercy Hill. I am so humbled to be called to bring the good news of Jesus to a city as broken as it is beautiful, as wayward as it is influential, as spiritually poor as it is materially rich. I tremble before the task. But I trust that what Christ said to Paul in Corinth, He might say to us here in San Jose: “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city . . ." (Acts 18:9–10). Let it be so Lord!

My Story
Born and raised in San Jose, CA in a Christian extended family—my uncle, aunt and maternal grandmother all lived with my parents and my sister for many years—I didn't come to saving faith until a summer retreat during my middle school years. It was then and there that the Gospel message became no longer just a fact I understood in my mind but a reality and conviction in my heart.
It was during my undergraduate years at UC Berkeley (B.A. Architecture, Minor in Business) that I first felt the desire to enter into ministry while being a part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in addition to volunteering with at-risk youth and the homeless. That desire became a calling when I was volunteering at my home church's youth group while working full-time after graduation and I headed out to the east coast for seminary. After graduating from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div, ThM in Biblical Studies), much to my own surprise, I not only returned back to the Bay Area, but also back to my home church where I served first as the youth pastor and then as the english pastor for 17 years at a Chinese church in San Jose.
Since returning back to the Bay Area, the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful wife and 3 boys—never a dull moment in our home! As a family we enjoy playing board games and trips to the local library. I also currently serve on the board of my local Little League, iSpectra, and Christian Counseling Center San Jose.

My Story
Born and raised in the great state of Texas, I thought for sure I would spend all of my days in the Lone Star State. But after graduating college from Baylor, I left my home state for the rugged Rockies of Colorado. It was there that I met a pack of solid Christian men that stopped at nothing to preach and live out the Gospel truths right before my eyes. God used these men as true vessels of grace, along with some extraordinary life circumstances, to reveal my need for a Savior in Jesus.
Shortly after coming to know Christ in my early twenties, I traveled a bit more, living in St. Louis (Go Cardinals!), Mississippi, Alabama, and eventually landing in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And no matter what anyone says about Tulsa, it will always have a special place in my heart because it’s where I met the sugar to my spice, Christina.
Three years into our marriage I found myself accepting a job at Stanford and journeying half way across the country with our one month old baby girl, Josephine. Since being out here the Lord has blessed us with yet another highly energetic little girl, Eliza, and an abundance of community with our church family at Mercy Hill. When I’m not doing husband, dad and work things, I’m usually training for my next triathlon, planning our next epic family road trip, and learning to play the keyboard.
My heart for this church, this city, and beyond is to see an Acts 2:42-47 kind of faith come to life right before all of our eyes. May we have the privilege to see a true Awakening in the Bay Area, and count ourselves blessed to be part of the mission of God. To Him be the glory.

My Story
I was 8 years old when I moved from Seoul, South Korea to Los Angeles. Ever since then, I've kept crawling north with each major life-event: finished up high school in LA, went to college in San Luis Obispo (Central Coast), and finally landed in the Bay Area for my first job out of college. I wonder whether Portland is next, but I'm a wimp when it comes to weather - so probably not.
I came to seriously know and trust God personally in high school, through a few amazing youth leaders at church. These weren't ordained pastors or even full-time staff - but college students who were role-models for us who were still figuring things out in high school. This is also how I came to be involved with praise music - they taught me the basics of bass and guitar, while always emphasizing worship over musical perfection. And thanks be to God, I fall well short of perfection, and yet, He uses me.
If you've read this far in our leadership bio, I hope you seriously come and see what God is doing through Mercy Hill!

My Story
I mostly grew up in Oklahoma, affectionately called the Belt Buckle of the Bible Belt—yet I was raised by non-believers and moved away as soon as I graduated high school. I went to school in Florida where I majored in sunshine and through some tough family struggles, ended up back in Oklahoma as a young adult. My heart towards God could not have been harder, and yet, He was about to change my life forever.
I like to joke that God taught me about the Holy Trinity using his earthly trinity—my now husband John, his pastor at the time Steve Harding, and C.S. Lewis. It was a long suffering road that they embarked on with me, which to this day reminds me of God’s longsuffering love for us. The pivotal day was a sermon on my now favorite piece of scripture: "On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, "Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water"'” (John 7:37-38).
God has blessed me in some truly amazing ways: He gave me a wonderful godly husband, our beautiful daughter Josephine, and another baby on the way! He led us across the country to the beautiful Bay Area and guided us to our incredible church home Mercy Hill. I have the great privilege of staying at home with Josephine and we have begun the exciting adventure of home-schooling together!
I am thrilled to get to be part of the Mercy Hill Kids Ministry team and revel in the chance to get a special glimpse into these little ones' hearts. My prayer is that we would truly share the good news with the kiddos, walk alongside their parents in this mission, and ultimately serve His church for His Glory.

My Story
As a golden state native, I was raised in the bay area for the majority of my childhood. After high school, I ventured to Southern California where I spent the next 13 years of my life. It was there that I encountered and really realized God’s extreme love and provision for me. His faithfulness graciously persisted as I, and my now husband of 26 years, met, married, and started our family. Our two boys are now grown and continue to bring us joy.
I had the privilege of growing up in a God–fearing home and was saved by grace at a young age. As the Lord has brought me through various stages of my life, He has continually taught me what it means to die to myself daily and live for Him. With Scripture as my guide, I am constantly filtering every moment of my life in an attempt to glean God’s purpose and ultimate glory. Through his grace and guidance, He reveals more and more of Himself to me each day. “Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:12b-13).
When the Lord brought our family back to the Bay area, we searched for and attended several churches. The day we visited Mercy Hill still resonates so clearly in my mind as I remember taking in the people, community, and Christ-centered teaching, truly sensing God’s call that we were home. Our community is in our community! 17 years later and we are still here.
On any given day, you will find me walking my fur baby Axel, sewing, quilting, cleaning or just plain serving others. One of my favorite pastimes is to sit back at the water’s edge, whether it be pool, ocean or lake, and soak in the knowledge of God’s awesome power. “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalms 46:10).

My Story
I was born in San Jose and raised in Santa Clara in a Christian home. There were four families on our street that went to Santa Clara Baptist Church, where we received good biblical teaching. I made the decision to follow Jesus and was baptized when I was 11. I went to college at UC Davis where I grew in my faith. I was involved with the Navigators. I majored in Child Development. My first job was as a group home counselor working with junior high age boys. After that I worked as an Instructional Aide. What I wanted to do most was get married and have children, but I had to learn to be content being single before God would bring Bob into my life. We married at age 28. We also had to wait before having children, having several miscarriages. God blessed us with three sons, Matthew, Tim and Jonathan. We are also blessed to have two daughter-in-laws and two granddaughters.
I was involved with the boys' schools, helping in their classes and serving with the PTA and then the PTSA. I was also involved in ministry opportunities, including leading a Moms in Touch (now called Moms in Prayer) group, working with children at church, leading several Adult Fellowship classes, and serving on the missions team. A bit later I took Perspectives on the World Christian Movement which changed my perspective and vision for God’s Kingdom. I became a coordinator, then Area Mobilizer, which I continue to do. I also took on the role of the Communications Liaison for the South Bay Missions Network, joined the board of the Horn of Africa USA, serve as Partnership Development Coordinator for MissionNext and am helping with the iSpectra conference. We also work with international students. Please feel free to ask me about any of these things!
I love to read, travel, garden and spend time with friends, my sons, their wives and our granddaughters.
My husband, Bob, and I love Mercy Hill and are honored to serve at Mercy Hill leading the GO! Team.