Communications Hub

How Can We Help?!

If you're new to Mercy Hill, we want to extend a special welcome to you.  Feel free to fill out a Connection Card (below) if you have questions about Jesus, our church, or you just simply want prayer.  We'd be happy to help any way we can!



All Church Campout - Save the Date!

We are excited to announce that we will again be hosting our All Church Campout at Mount Madonna County Park! This year, it will take place over the weekend of June 20-22.  Mark your calendars. We have a huge group campsite all to ourselves and lots of options in the park for having fun together.  Whether you love to camp or you'd rather still sleep in your own bed, we have something for everyone. More info to come as the day gets closer!

If you have any questions, please contact us at .

Short-Term Missions Applications - Now Available!

Applications are now available for our two trips to Nicaragua (end of June - beginning of July) and the Philippines (end of November), both in partnership with Arms of Love!  If you haven't already, we invite you to prayerfully consider the possibility of going.  If interested, please complete the application by the trip application due date(s).  The deadline for the Nicaragua application is the end of this month (February).

*Please note for couples and/or families, each person needs to complete a separate/individual application.

Find the application form here.

If you would like more information about the trips and/or have questions about the application, please reach out to Bob Durstenfeld ( ) or Joey Wang ( ). 

Barnabas Team for New Missionaries!

Mercy Hill is now supporting Dana and Karen, global outreach workers who were at the Sunday Service on January 5th and shared about their work in Indonesia. There is also an article in the Autumn Missions Newsletter about them. We are looking for a Barnabas team for them.

What is a Barnabas Team?  A Barnabas Team is a group of individuals, couples, families, or home groups that "adopt" one of Mercy Hill's global outreach workers or organizations to help us care for them well. It does not take much time. It would involve praying for them, getting their newsletters, communicating with them occasionally, acknowledging birthdays, and letting the GO! Team know if they have any specific needs.

For more information or to sign up to be part of the Barnabas Team, feel free to reach out to Becky Durstenfeld at

Mercy Hill Kids - Volunteers Needed!

Calling all adults with a passion to plant seeds of truth in the hearts of our youth! Would you please prayerfully consider being a part of Mercy Hill Kids ministry? Currently, we are in need of teachers and helpers for our preschool classroom! We are also looking to start a nursery/toddler class and would love to include you as a volunteer.  Looking forward to working alongside you!

Please reach out to Megan at for more information.

Men's DNA Group: Frontline Men!

The Christian life is a battle that is worth fighting till the very end. Unfortunately, many Christian men today have all but abandoned the good fight that Christ has called us to. We often sit on the sidelines and ignore costly discipleship for the sake of comfort or avoiding fear. It is time for Christian men to get back on the frontlines of the spiritual battle. It is time for us to wage war against the kingdom of darkness and advance the kingdom of God; first in our own lives, then in the world.

The goal of this group is to call men out of the snares of isolation, sexual sin, and cultural Christianity and into a radical lifestyle of following Jesus, no matter the cost. During our gatherings, we will take time to bond with each other in fellowship, study Scripture together, encourage one another to grow in our accountability and discipleship, and pray for one another. We hope you can join!

For more info and to find a link to sign up, click here.

Sunday Prayer Walk  - Sunday, February 23rd!

We will be gathering after service on Sunday, January 26th at 1:00pm to do a prayer walk in the local neighborhood! So grab lunch after the service, and consider joining us to pray for our neighboring community, as we hope to have the opportunity to share the gospel with those who are open and ready to engage. We'll have a brief time before the prayer walk to discuss what to pray for, so we invite anyone regardless of experience to join and learn.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Chris Keener at  .  

All Church Prayer - Sunday, February 16th!

Prayer is the start of everything good (Acts 1:14).  It is the death of self-reliance and the lifeline of faith.  It is the moving of our eyes outward and upward.  It is the stretch of our empty hands towards a Father rich in mercy.  As a church we prioritize this regular prayer meeting because of our deep-seated conviction that, while man can plant and water, it is only God who can cause the growth (1 Cor. 3:7).

This Sunday's prayer meeting will held in-person at 6:00pm at the Wilson Residence.  Click here for more info.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at  .

All Church Hangout - Sunday, March 2nd!

Meaningful community is hard to find in Silicon Valley, even in the church.  Our congregation is spread out all over the city. But there is one day of every week when we all commit to gather together and worship our God: Sunday. It seems strategic to take this pre-existing momentum and work with it in an attempt to develop deeper community within our body. Therefore, on occasional Sundays throughout the year we will invite the church to enjoy picnic-style afternoons together immediately following the service.

The Plan:  After service, bring or buy your lunch and join us at the tables out back for a picnic-style afternoon (we may shift inside depending on weather).  We’ll also open the gym for people to play in!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at   .  

New City Catechism - This Week's Q&A

Question 29
How can we be saved?

Only by faith in Jesus Christ and in his substitutionary atoning death on the cross; so even though we are guilty of having disobeyed God and are still inclined to all evil, nevertheless, God, without any merit of our own but only by pure grace, imputes to us the perfect righteousness of Christ when we repent and believe in him.

(For more, click here.)

Note: For 2024-25, we will be progressing through the catechism at a slower place—lingering on the same question for two weeks at a time.

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