Every Wednesday, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
During the pandemic, we wanted to create a regular and reliable online space for us to connect and pray. We called this space "The Prayer Room." We've enjoyed our time together so much that we've decided to keep it going!
Using Zoom's video conferencing platform, this Prayer Room will be open from 12:00-1:00pm every Wednesday.
You can enter the room by clicking the appropriate link below and entering the meeting ID and password if needed. You also have the option of connecting through the phone by using the number listed below (it will prompt you to enter the meeting ID). Feel free to bring your lunch!
Each time shall follow the same basic outline:
- 12:00-12:15 - People enter the room and begin to share prayer requests (please be timely!).
- 12:15-12:55 - Those in the room begin to engage in prayer together.
- 12:55 - We say our goodbyes and leave the room until next time.
- 1:00 - We go about our day and watch as God moves!
Zoom Meeting Info:
- Meeting ID: 849 7561 2950
- Password: 319073
- Phone dial in (audio only): +1 669 900 9128