Sunday, January 05, 2025 - Sunday, January 12, 2025
The church is always called to be praying and seeking God together, but sometimes it is good to set aside special time to do so. That's what we have made a habit of doing during the first week of every new year. This year the first Sunday in January is the 5th, so our Week of Prayer will span from January 5th to the 12th. Here are just a few things to look forward to:
- On the front end of this week (1/5), we will have a special sermon delivered in an effort to help our community see the importance of prayer in the life of the church. On the back end of this week (1/12), we will actually devote the entire service to an extended time of musical worship and prayer!
- On the first Sunday of this week (1/5), we encourage you to prioritize joining us for our All Church Prayer meeting in the evening later that day.
- We will provide a Prayer Guide to give you ideas of what to pray for as well as space to record your prayers and thoughts as God leads. The start of a new year naturally gets us reflecting on things—where we’ve been and where we hope to go. This guide has been designed to help you in this and offer a framework for your evaluation and planning.
- We will provide daily reminders coinciding with the Prayer Guide that will be posted to our Mercy Hill Community Facebook Group. In this space we encourage you to engage with one another—sharing your prayers, prayer requests, verses of Scripture, and anything else God may put on your heart. Please do request to join the group if you haven't already so you can take part!
- We invite you to seriously consider jumping into our online Prayer Room on Wednesday of this week (1/8) from noon to 1:00pm.
- We will be encouraging all of our Home Groups to discuss the sermon and Prayer Guide and to give additional time during their weekly meetings for prayer. (If you’re not already a part of a Home Group, now’s the time! Find one to join here.)
We really hope you will dive into this with us. We're excited to see what our God will do!