The One "Necessary" Thing
You were created for God—to be known and loved by him and to know and love him in return. Engaging in this relationship ought to be the chief business (and delight!) of our lives. This is why, for example, Jesus tells us in Luke 10:42 that sitting at his feet, listening to his word, spending time in close relationship with him—this is the one "necessary" thing for the disciple, for the Christian. Everything else is secondary. But not this.
God didn't save you to merely work for him. He saved you to be with him.
And today, we understand, we can cultivate this relationship and pursue this one "necessary" thing by reading our Bibles and praying. And yet, if we're honest, many of us simply don't do it. For some, it may be because we're just lazy or uninterested. But for others, it could be that we genuinely want to but we get tripped up and don't know how to do it. The Bible is a big book and it's not always easy reading. And prayer, while exhilarating at times, is often awkward and even dull. We need help.
And that is why, at Mercy Hill, we've developed what we call the "Sacred Path." It's a path composed of five steps—all of which are intended to meaningfully guide your times with Jesus and lead you deeper into abiding relationship with him. What follows is simply a brief summary of each step for you to consider, but in the Quick Links at the bottom of this page you can find many more resources that will help you walk all this out more fully.