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A Logo We Can Live!

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Our logo was actually designed with our Mission and Values in view (check out the link to read up on these).  It takes all that we want to be about as a church and puts it in pictorial form. It becomes a logo we can live

As in the diagrams put forward to describe our Mission and Values, the three points on the triangles in our logo correspond with the three directions in our mission statement. We exist to help restore you to God (upward ), neighbor (inward ), and city (outward ).

There are two triangles in our logo instead of one as an attempt to capture the idea of multiplication and the advance of the gospel in the world.  As we are brought back to God, find reconciled community in the church, and are put on mission in our city–we ourselves will become salt and light, ambassadors for Jesus.  As a result, more will come to see their need for the cross and be brought into this cosmic "restoration project" of God (Acts 3:18-21).

So here's to living out our logo together!