Christmas Service!

Christmas Service!

Sunday, December 25, 2022, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Location: Mercy Hill Church, 820 Steinbeck Drive, San Jose, CA US 95123

Contact: Church Office |

Christmas falls on a Sunday this year.  You may be wondering what we are planning.  Well, in one sense, we'll keep things rolling as usual.  The service will be at 10:00am that morning like normal.  But . . . of course we're going to do it up special for Christmas!  It will be a shorter family service (no Mercy Hill Kids ministry) so all our kids can participate (if you're worried, we'll be handing out an activity pack on the way in that your littles can engage with during the service to keep them occupied if needed).  We'll sing carols, spend some time reflecting on the wonder of Christmas, and enjoy sweet treats together!  Please mark your calendars and invite your family and friends!

If you're interested in bringing some Christmas cookies or other treats to share, you can sign up here!

COVID-19 Adjustments:

We are now happy to offer both in-person and online options for participating in our Sunday Services!  Find relevant details below . . .

Option 1: In-Person

The in-person option will now be held inside on Sundays at 10:00am.  Park in the school's main parking lot and follow the Mercy Hill signs to the main entrance.  Here are a few more things you need to be aware of:

SAFETY:  Significant efforts are being made to ensure that these in-person gatherings are safe and in compliance with the federal, state, and county guidelines.  We want the most vulnerable among us to still feel welcome to gather with us.  But we need your help.  Please review the latest update (found here) to see what we are asking of you.  

SEATING:  We will have chairs set up and distanced appropriately.  Feel free to move the chairs if you have a larger family or would prefer to be spaced further apart from others.  The most important thing to us is that you are there worshiping with us.  Whatever you need to do to feel comfortable and safe . . . do it!

CHILDREN:  Mercy Hill Kids holds classes for Preschool and Elementary children (2 years thru 5th grade) every Sunday unless otherwise noted.  Kids can be checked in to their classes before the start of service and can continue there until the service ends.  Our Nursery is not currently staffed but we do have a Mother's Room adjacent to the Sanctuary where parents can care for their littlest ones.

Note: On occasion, we hold Family Services where children sit in the service with their parents.  On these Sundays, we will provide coloring sheets and pre-packaged crayons for you to make use of.  The Mother's Room here again serves as a space to make use of if necessary.

Option 2: Live stream

Some of you may still feel it is unwise or unsafe to gather in person.  We understand!  We invite you instead to join with us online for our Sunday Service Live Stream!  We will now be streaming our services each Sunday at 10:00am via our Mercy Hill Church Facebook page.  If you don't have a Facebook account, no worries!  You can still check the stream out on our Mercy Hill Live page.  You won't be able to chat with friends or interact with the video, but you will be able to watch the Service.

Watch Live on Mercy Hill's Facebook Page      Watch Live on Mercy Hill's Website       

Note: With live streaming there is always the possibility of experiencing technical difficulties.  If this happens, we are SO sorry!   We will also be recording the Service so that, even if the stream has issues, we will hopefully still be able to get the content up for you later in the day.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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