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June 7, 2020 - Sunday Service Worship Guide

TOday's Announcements

Good morning Mercy Hill!  If you're new with us, we just wanted to extend a special welcome to you.  Feel free to fill out a Connection Card to get more info or prayer.  We're glad to have you with us!

If you're tuning in for the Watch Party, you'll notice that the platform has tabs where you can find today's Worship Guide, read an online Bible, and even chat.  While we're meeting virtually like this, we'd encourage everyone to please consider taking a moment to put a comment in the chat box there.  Let us know who you are and maybe where you're tuning in from.  Say hi.  We miss you!  And as we get into the message, feel free to share other Scriptures that come to mind, prayer requests that you have, questions that you'd like answered, etc.  It would be great to interact even in this limited format.

Here are a few critical announcements to keep in mind:

  • COVID-19 and Gathering Update: See the latest update here.
  • All Church Prayer: Join us tonight for a time of prayer beginning at 6:00pm!  Find more info and link to join here.
  • Mercy Hill Youth Hangout: All Mercy Hill Youth is invited for an online hangout after service next Sunday, June 14th. We'll have an open space to talk about what's going on in our world currently, and seek biblical understanding of it together. Feel free to come with any questions you have.  You can find more info and a link to join here.
  • Women's Summer Backyard Bible Study: As the Shelter-in-Place rules are eased up this summer (Lord willing!), please join us and reunite with other Mercy Hill ladies as together we study and discuss God’s Word in a relaxing, safe (social distanced) environment. Bring your face mask, your own water to drink, and enter through a side gate to gather safely in one another’s backyards.  We will begin meeting on Tuesday evenings every other week from 7:30-9:00 pm, beginning June 23rd at Debbie Griego’s house. If you'd prefer a zoom meeting option or would like to open up your backyard for gathering, you can add those details through the RSVP form.  You can find more info and the form to RSVP here.
  • Men of Prayer Video Series: Mercy Hill men! Let's stay connected through this lock down period. Come join us for an 8-week Zoom video series running Tuesdays @ 4:30-5:30 pm. In this one-hour session, men will view a new men’s video series (Mighty Men of Prayer) which covers 8 key topics for modern Christian men and their lives. After the 15-minute video, the session will be facilitated through key questions for follow-up discussion and prayer.  Though the series has already begun, you can jump in at any time.  You can find more info and sign up here.
  • Sunday Service Afterparty: Remember to join us immediately following the Watch Party via Zoom for the Afterparty (which today will include a time for connections and prayer).  You can find a link to join in here.
  • Mercy Hill Kids Online Worship: Beginning at 11:30am today!  Go here to read more and to find a link to sign in!

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  • Home Groups: All groups have now moved to a virtual format.  Find one to join here.  You are not alone!
  • COVID-19 SOS FormIf you or anyone you know needs help during this challenging time, we'd love to do what we can!
  • Neighborhood Care Cards: With the shelter-in-place order extending for yet another month, please consider making use of these cards as a way of reaching out to and serving your neighbors.  You can get more info regarding these in the last section of this post.

Today's Sermon

Our Impartial King
Text: James 1:26-2:7
Preacher: John Lugo
Manuscript: If you appreciate following along with written material, you can find today's manuscript here.

Reflection Questions

  • Some may think based on Matthew 7:1 that all judgments are wrong. Is this view correct?  How should we understand it?  Use Matthew 7:6, 15 as guidance. 
  • Consider the boundaries between godly discernment (which we all need) and ungodly judgment (which is sin).  Where should it be?  How can we apply it?
  • How should we go about giving to the poor?  Should we give indiscriminately, or should we use godly discernment?  Where are the lines?  For example, Proverbs uniformly mocks the man who is poor because he is lazy or foolish.  How do we use discernment without falling into partiality as James discusses here?

Call to Response



If you need prayer in any way, please either: (1) request it during the Watch Party via the "Request Prayer" button; (2) fill out a Connection Card; or (3) post your request to our Mercy Hill Community Facebook Group.  We’d love to be lifting you up and caring for you in this time!


If you’d like to give an offering this morning, please check out our Give page to find the best option for you!

Mercy Hill Kids

While difficult, this pandemic does create a wonderful chance for parents to step towards their God-given call as chief disciplers of their kids.  We know this may feel overwhelming and that is why we want to help!  Parents of Mercy Hill children should have already received an email from the Director of Mercy Hill Kids, Christina Lugo, regarding ways you can utilize the Gospel Project curriculum at home.  This information has also been included on our blog here.  Beyond this, each Sunday, we are also looking to host an online worship gathering for our kids.  You can check here for more details.  We'd love to have you join us!

If you have any questions or need help in any way, don't hesitate to reach out to Christina at    

Have a Wonderful Week!